Niveau 1 Pilier 3 PRE Test

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Cette section est un test de positionnement (PRE Test) vous permettant d'évaluer vos connaissances pour le Pilier 3 - Compétences Numériques. Voici les questions à compléter afin d'évaluer le niveau qui vous correspondrait le mieux.

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1. How should we switch off the computer safely?

a) Unplugging the PC
b) Selecting the "Switch Off" option from the Start menu
c) It will switch off due to inactivity
d) Pressing the off button

2. What is usually needed to unlock a computer “at rest”?

a) A personal password
b) A code given when the computer was bought
c) To know the brand of the computer
d) The computer can´t be “at rest”

3. What is commonly used to access Internet at home?

a) Internet is not accessible indoors
b) Mobile data
c) You have to ask the company in charge
d) Wi-Fi network

4. Which is the fastest navigation technology for mobile phones?

a) 4G
b) 10G
c) 5G
d) None of the answers are correct

5. Which of the following is NOT a social network?

a) Mozilla Firefox
b) Facebook
c) Youtube
d) Instagram

6. Which of the following is a computer-related crime?

a) Intellectual Property Theft
b) Account Hacking
c) Phishing
d) All answers are correct

7. All the apps available for mobile phones are…

a) All free
b) Available only if you pay
c) There is no way to download apps for mobile phones
d) None of the answers above are correct

8. Is it possible to adjust the font size when chatting with your mobile phone?

a) It is not an available option
b) Yes
c) Only under medical prescription
d) Just the first time you use your phone

9. Is it possible to send your location in real time via mobile phone to another person?

a) Just once per week
b) Yes, whenever you have internet access
c) It was only possible with old mobile phones
d) No, it has never been feasible due to its complexity

10. Formulas are often used in...

a) Outlook
b) Word
c) Excel
d) Canva

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Combien d'yeux a une personne normale? (par exemple : 4)

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