Niveau 1 Pilier 2 POST Test & Niveau 2 Pilier 2 PRE Test

Cher participant,

Cette section est un test final (POST Test) pour le niveau 1 et un test de positionnement (PRE Test) pour le niveau 2. Cela vous permettra d'évaluer vos connaissances pour le Pilier 2 - Compétences en Numératie. Voici les questions à compléter afin d'évaluer le niveau qui vous correspondrait le mieux.

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Veuillez vérifier que vous avez répondu à TOUTES les questions et que vous avez rempli TOUS les champs obligatoires, auquel cas vous ne pourrez pas recevoir de réponse.

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L'équipe self-Learn

1. How many minutes are there in an hour?

a) 1 minute
b) 25 minutes
c) 30 minutes
d) 60 minutes

2. Which of the following sequences of numbers contains only even numbers?

a) 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6
b) 2; 3; 4; 6; 8; 12
c) 2; 4; 6; 8; 12; 14
d) 14; 13; 12; 11; 10; 9

3. Elodie has bought 24 donuts. She wants her three children to have the same number.
How many donuts will they each have?

a) 24 donuts
b) 12 donuts
c) 8 donuts
d) 3 donuts

4. Jenny buys 3 packs of ham, each containing 4 slices.
How many slices of ham did Jenny buy?

a) 12 slices of ham
b) 8 slices of ham
c) 4 slices of ham
d) 3 slices of ham

5. What weight is indicated by the scale?

a) 70 g
b) 65 g
c) 65 kg
d) 70 kg

6. Which multiplication can be used to quickly calculate the number of squares?

a) 28 x 2
b) 4 x 7
c) 4 x 4
d) 7 x 7

7. Before you went shopping, you had €28. You want to buy 200g of meat for €6.
How much will you have left after your shopping?

a) €34
b) €28
c) €22
d) €6

8. Your doctor has prescribed you a syrup. You need to take 1 ml of it.
Which of these droppers contains 1 ml of syrup?

a) b)

c) d)

9. Coralie gets her pay on the 25th of each month. Today is 4th April.
In how many days will Coralie receive her pay?

a) 29 days
b) 25 days
c) 21 days
d) 4 days

10. You want to park in a blue space. It is 11:15 a.m.
Which of the following discs corresponds to the time you arrived (YOUR ARRIVAL TIME)?





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Nom: (indispensable)

Combien y a-t-il de pneus sur une voiture? (ex : 7)

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